Sunday, July 6, 2008

Las Vegas

After returning from NYC, we did our laundry and packed for Las Vegas. We spent 5 days there with my Mom who is 86 and going strong, my sister Barb and brother-in-law, Bill. The 3 of them have been vacationing in Vegas for several years and usually spend a week at a time walking up and down the strip, taking the bus downtown, taking excursions to Laughlin or other nearby places, enjoying good food and of course gambling. None are serious betters, but enjoy playing penny and nickel slots. Shaun and I got addicted to penny slots called "Hot Shot" and won enough jackpots on our 15 cent bets to fund our gambling for the few days we were there. We enjoyed good company, good food and good weather. When we got home, Shaun got called in to work for a week, while I relaxed and worked on a multi-year backlog of projects! Shaun is continuing to work on-call for Multnomah County where she is a project manager for the Department of Human Services. She works when they need her to create Requests for Proposals (RFPs), contracts, biennial plans or whatever.


Amie said...

So excited you have a blog. I've added it to my "blogs I read" list. I love you guys!

Self Imposed Insanity said...

The blog war is on!!! It is so fun reading what's going on in your lives. Let's all commit to keep them up to date (hint, hint Kori).